We love providing our services to our international partners. Fortunately, we already have quite a network internationally and are already receiving enquiries from various countries.
Whether it’s about our latest solution for discussing undesired behaviour or unwanted conduct, or a solution to comply with the latest whistleblower regulations, we are happy to discuss the possibilities with you. The human touch is part of all our services, with privacy and data security high on our agenda.
Every country is different, of course, and that’s just what we like. We love talking to customers and partners from Europe and the rest of the world! (A Teams call with contacts on the other side of the world, us fresh in the morning, the other already with a full day behind is just super inspiring)
Because we have a modular structure with our services, we can see which modules fit best in which country.
Are you interested? Then send us an email ?
By the way, more information about our company can also be found on our Cinnux Website: www.cinnux.com